Exploring the difference between linguistic borrowing and inheritance...
Online archives, database, articles and other publications
Online database Kaiping, Gereon, Owen Edwards, Marian Klamer. 2019. LexiRumah 3.0. Leiden: Leiden U Centre for Linguistics. Available online at https://lexirumah.model-ling.eu/ DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1164782;
Edited volume Traces of contact in the lexicon: Austronesian and Papuan studies. 2023. With co-editor Francesca Moro. Leiden: Brill. Open Access: https://brill.com/display/title/63652
Workshop on Language Contact in Indonesia | Leiden, the Netherlands George Saad - How to make sense of on-going language contact: The case of Abui-Malay bilinguals Francesca Moro - The plural word hire in Alorese (Austronesian): grammatical borrowing from neighboring Papuan languages (ppt) Hanna Fricke - Complexity in Central Lembata Lamaholot - Contact or no contact?(programme) LUCL Colloquium | Leiden, the Netherlands Marian Klamer, Francesca Moro, and Hanna Fricke - What can synchronic data tell us about the past?: Contact-induced change in Eastern Indonesia(pdf) 9th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL9)| Paris, France Hanna Fricke -The rise of clause - Final negation in Flores-Lembata languages (abstract) George Saad and Hanna Fricke - The insertion of kalau ‘if’ in Abui and Central Lembata (abstract)